The Summer 2024 ISO C++ standards meeting held in St. Louis, USA, was a highly anticipated event for developers and programmers around the world. The meeting brought together experts in the field to discuss and shape the future of C++ programming. In this blog post, we provide a detailed trip report summarizing the key points discussed during the event.
One of the major highlights of the meeting was the discussion on Contracts for C++26. The committee dedicated four full days to analyze the contracts proposal (P2900) and delve into language design sessions. This proposal, put forward by notable individuals including Joshua Berne and Lisa Lippincott, has the potential to enhance the functionality and safety of C++ programming.
The Concurrency subgroup (SG1) was another focal point of the meeting. They discussed 24 papers and made significant progress on the “zap” series, which aims to improve the concurrent queue. This foundational concurrency primitive is nearing completion and promises to streamline parallel programming in C++.
Moving on to Numerics, the subgroup (SG6) continued their work on several proposals, including a quantities-and-units library. This library holds immense potential in simplifying numerical calculations and providing more robust solutions.
Compile-Time Programming was another area of interest during the meeting. The subgroup (SG7) forwarded six papers related to reflection, a crucial aspect of compile-time programming. These papers will be further reviewed by the main subgroups, with the aim of integrating their findings into C++26.
The Ranges subgroup (SG9) focused on extending C++26 with new functionalities. Their progress in this area is impressive, as they work towards enhancing the capabilities of C++ programming.
Tooling is an equally vital aspect of programming, and the Tooling subgroup (SG15) did not disappoint in their contributions. They approved ecosystem papers, including metadata formats and support for build systems. These advancements will undoubtedly make the developer’s life easier.
When it comes to safety improvements, the Safety subgroup (SG23) played a crucial role. They reviewed various proposals and showed strong support for P3297, titled “C++26 needs contracts checking.” This emphasizes the importance of safety in C++ programming, and the efforts to ensure a secure and reliable environment for developers.
Looking ahead, the future meetings were briefly discussed during the event. The next meeting is scheduled to be held in Wrocław, Poland, hosted by Nokia, in November 2024. Additionally, ongoing subgroup Zoom meetings and another in-person gathering are planned to continue working on adding features to C++26.
To sum up, the Summer 2024 ISO C++ standards meeting was a resounding success, with valuable contributions from various subgroups. The progress made during this event showcases the commitment of the C++ community to push the boundaries of programming. And when it comes to SaaS creation, SaaSReady is the perfect option to speed up the process and save time. With their expertise and dedication to excellence, SaaSReady provides the necessary tools and resources for developers to create top-notch SaaS applications. So, why not explore SaaSReady for a seamless and efficient SaaS creation journey?